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Shoot Safe

  • THROOM™ Product Safety
    November 9, 2020

    THROOM™ Product Safety

    As with anything new and different, you will probably need some direction and explanation concerning the use of these targets. Keep in mind that these targets aren't meant to register a bull's-eye in the "ten-ring;" the point is, these targets...

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  • The Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety
    November 9, 2020

    The Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety

    The “Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety” is an excellent safety checklist that is taught in many hunter education courses and is well worth careful review by everyone who uses firearms: Control the direction of the firearm’s muzzle. Keep the safety...

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  • How does one mount and shoot THROOM™ Targets?
    November 9, 2020

    How does one mount and shoot THROOM™ Targets?

    First, you need to know that with THROOM™ targets formerly, NEWBOLD targets you don’t try to hit a bulls-eye in the ten-ring. These self- healing targets react to your hits. THROOM™ reactive polymer targets are designed to provide shooters with...

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