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How long will THROOM Targets last? How many hits will one take?

An 8″ Dia. BOUNCEBACK™ Series™Round Target will take over 1,000 random hits with .45 caliber roundnose (FMJ) bullets and several thousand hits with .22s and .223s, .308s and 50-Cal. For maximum target life with handgun ammo, use lead roundnose or FMJ (Ball) ammo.

Can I shoot THROOM™ targets with both handgun and rifle ammo?

Yes you can. Use any caliber handgun ammo from .22s Throo .45s. and any caliber rifle ammo from .223, Throo 50 Cal. .308, .30-06 and 50 Cal. hits leave just a pinhole through THROOM™ targets. Optimum bullet velocity typically ranges from 750 fps (feet per second) to 1,250 fps. With handgun ammo you can shoot THROOM™ targets close up on a softwood target stand within 5 to 10-feet or out at 15 to 50-yards. Rifle ammo runs much faster than handgun ammo, so for rifle ammo, it’s best to set THROOM™ targets at 50 to 150 yards or more in order to get good target reaction to your hits. Some soft tip hunting rounds will make a small entrance hole in the front and a larger exit hole out the back.

What are THROOM™ targets made of?

It’s a tough, flexible, hi-tech polymer material. THROOM™ Targets are non-metal, reactive and a safer alternative to steel targets. In 1995 we were the first to introduce this type of shoot-through polymer material to the shooting industry. Many magazines and shooters started to call them plastic targets or polymer targets or self-healing targets. Actually, it’s a high-performance elastomer, so we named our target material SHOOT THROO. Our targets, Bases, Nuts and Bolts and every elastomer product we offer to shooters is made of this self-healing material. Bullets pass through without splatter or ricochet.

Can I make my own target stand?

Yes, however we recommend that THROOM™ targets should be mounted on wood stands and posts made of soft pinewood. They should be mounted at least 24” up from the ground or at least high enough so that your bullets travel directly through the target(s) and into your bullet catcher, backstop or earthen berm. We do not recommend that you shoot THROOM™ targets when they are sitting on the ground, or when they are mounted on steel stands or stands, posts, blocks or any type of target stand or support made of anything harder than soft pinewood. We do suggest that you set up your target range so that your bullets pass through THROOM™ targets, through the target support(s), that is, soft pinewood, and into a suitable target backstop or earthen berm. When THROOM™ targets are set up this way, there will be no bullet ricochet or bullet splatter sent back to the shooter.

Why should I use THROOM™ Ricochet Free Targets?

In a nutshell, because they are safer than steel; there is no ricochet or bullet splatter. They are popular at outdoor ranges because bullets pass through THROOM™ targets intact, which makes lead collection much easier. THROOM™ targets make it possible for indoor ranges to shoot reactive targets indoors and they make indoor ranges much easier to maintain with no bullet splatter damage to walls, ceilings, and light fixtures. You can shoot them up close. They are a great reactive target alternative to paper targets because they are fun to shoot. Also, easy-to-carry, seven times lighter than steel, a bright fluorescent green color and they can be shot at -40F to +120F – they are all-weather targets and may be left outdoors.

Why do KNOCKDOWN™ Series targets cost less than BOUNCEBACK™ Series targets?

KNOCKDOWN™ Series Target are roughly half the thickness of BOUNCEBACK™ Series targets because the bullet only needs to knock the target over-center to knock it down. BOUNCEBACK™ Series targets are made thicker because the bullet has to “hang-on” to the thickness of the target a little longer in order to cause its snap-back action.

Do the straps break easily on the HANGTUFF Targets?

No. The strap is made of the same material as the target. Random hits on the target give you random hits on the strap, so the strap holds up about as well as the target itself. If deliberate attempts are made to “knock” the straps off, of course, it can be done – however, most shooters will concentrate on the “round”, or “Bullseye” part of the target.

Can I melt these targets in an oven to close up the holes?

No. The material will not melt.

Is there an easy way to get the THROOM™ nuts onto the THROOM™ bolts?

Sometimes it’s tough getting the nut started on the bolt; you turn the nut, but the threads don’t grab. The answer is to push or “mash” the nut up against the bolt before you start turning it. This way, the first couple of threads snap onto the bolt, which makes turning the nut up on the bolt a lot easier.

How do I get the reset string through those little holes on the KNOCKDOWN base and the KNOCKDOWN™ Target?

Lay a portion of the string directly across the hole, push the string completely through the hole using a twig, a paper clip or a toothpick and grab it on the other side.

When shooting the KNOCKDOWN™ Target, can I interchange any KNOCKDOWN™ Reactive Target (regardless of size or type) on a KNOCKDOWN Base?

Yes. You can switch a 4″ Round target with a Bowling Pin target and then switch that with a Prairie Dog – no problem. All KNOCKDOWN™ Reactive Target targets simply snap into the KNOCKDOWN™ Reactive Target Base. It takes just a few seconds.

Can I use THROOM Targets in my Paintball Shoot?

Yes! Use HANGTUFF AND KNOCKDOWN Series Targets. Our BOUNCEBACK™ Series can be shot with paintballs as well but you won’t see quite as much action.

What about Cowboy Shoots – what targets do you recommend?

Cowboy shooters use a lot of .45 caliber roundnose (Ball) ammo for pistol shooting and .45 caliber flatnose ammo for rifle shooting. The roundnose ammo is fine for any of our targets but the flatnose ammo cookie-cuts the THROOM™ material. This shortens the life of the target, but if you need a target that doesn’t ricochet or send splatter back at you, shorter target life might be a good trade-off. Try our Varmints, the Tombstone and the Whiskey Bottle!

What type of targets would you suggest for beginning shooters?

In several high-use shooting ranges, the 6″ HANGTUFF targets often replace messy clay pigeons and time-consuming air-filled balloons (for .22 and .38 shoots). If you operate a range for kid shoots, you know how difficult it can be to keep a steady supply of clay pigeons, balloons and even paper targets set up on your range. With THROOM™ targets, you set them up once in the morning and they take the hits all day long. It gives beginners lots of action, with immediate results and easily holds their interest. 8″ HANGTUFF Targets are larger and easier-to-hit, but beginning shooters will see more action with the 6″ HANGTUFF Targets.

Can I shoot THROOM™ Targets with B-Bs and Pellets?

NO, .22 shorts, B-Bs, air-gun pellets and any projectiles of any type shot with a slingshot or any similar device will bounce back at the shooter and bystanders. They do not have enough velocity to penetrate the target. Even the use of higher-end, high-velocity pellet guns – with projectiles running in excess of 700 feet per second (on up to 1,100 FPS) is never recommended with our standard line of targets. Please, do not shoot THROOM™ targets with .22 shorts, B-Bs, air-gun pellets or slingshots.

Can I shoot THROOM targets with a shotgun?

Our Three-Gun Shotgun Targets are specifically designed to take hits with “00” and “000” buckshot at suggested distances of 20-25 yards and more with good results and reasonably long life. Do not shoot our KNOCKDOWN, BOUNCEBACK, HANGTUFF, DUELING TREE or PEPPER POPPER targets or any of our target accessories with buckshot or birdshot because the shotgun pellets will bounce back to the shooter and bystanders.  We recommend that you shoot only our 8” round SHOTGUN targets with buckshot or birdshot. Shotgun slugs can be used with all other THROOM targets but will leave a small hole behind as they pass through the target.

Can I shoot THROOM™ targets with rifle ammo?

Yes, .223, .308 and 50-Cal. rifle ammo can be used with all THROOM™ targets. In fact, even 50-Cal. hits leave just pinholes through the target. Place THROOM™ targets out at 50 to 150-yards or more for the best target reaction to your rifle hits.

Which targets should I use for military and law enforcement training?

Our most popular targets for military and law enforcement are 22” and 42” Pepper-Poppers, also, BOUNCEBACK™ Series™ and KNOCKDOWN™ Series Rounds and Squares in different sizes and colors. To improve reaction time, trainers direct the shooter’s eye by calling-out the next target to shoot with its size and shape (for example, Small!.., Round!!..) Trainers hang our KNOCKDOWN™ Series Targets upside-down (without the base). They run a cable or a wooden dowel through the “tube” at the bottom of the KNOCKDOWN™ Target- so the target hangs down and flips up when hit. In-close walk-throughs and run-throughs can be set up with BOUNCEBACK Series targets so that trainees can shoot THROOM targets up-close, completely off of wooden posts or small wood stands without bullet splatter or ricochet. These targets add action and help to hold shooters’ interest.

Can I purchase KNOCKDOWN Series targets and bases separately?

These items are sold together as a “Starter Kit” for your convenience. However, you can customize your target stands and plate racks without paying for additional bases you don’t need by purchasing the targets as “singles” and the bases separately from the Parts and Accessories tab. Most of our customers buy more targets than bases. This way, they have replacement targets for the BOUNCEBACK™ Series and KNOCKDOWN bases, which they have mounted permanently on their target stand. To get starter we suggest buying the “starter kits” because they will have everything you need to get started.

Can I shoot THROOM Targets with hollow-points?

You can shoot THROOM™ targets up close and safely with hollow-points. Using reactive THROOM™ targets, law enforcement agencies are now able to conduct up-close training exercises with no bullet splatter or ricochet. With hollow-points, wadcutters and semi-wadcutters there is some reduced target life but the trade-off is, bullets pass through THROOM™ targets, so you don’t have to be concerned about ricochet.

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